Thursday 24 November 2011

6. Is that a Goblin arrow or are you just pleased to see me?!

The group felt safe now, all obvious Goblins dispatched, and the secrets revealed, the Shadow not attacking us!!

We begin to move on, the only other known entry/exit to this cavern, other than the Shamans curtained off hovel being short bending tunnel north, see map to the right of Goblin caves, marked with three arrows ^.

Cautiously Sidion leads us forwards, Moreta leaving a warning trap of alchemical fire behind us, passed a slight bend in the dark tunnel leading to a horde of rotting merchandise, boxes/barrels/bags or all manner of wares, taken from attacked caravans we surmise and discarded by the Goblins here, the only thing out of place is a small figurine/statue, covered in what appeared to be drying blood.

Tay Vorns empty pockets called to him again, he set off through the huge pile of garbage to look for gold, and rolling high found some barrels with false bottoms and wax lumps of gold coins and some dodgy scales, probably used to trick some unsuspecting merchant, well thats what Tay Vorn planned to use them for.

Sidion again finds a passage to the east, dark and tight he scouts ahead, finds a trap door at the end leading upwards, he listens and can hear Goblin speak, unable to comprehend it he returns quietly to us, sending Moreta off to listen as well, she is in the guise of a Goblin and luckily can speak and understand the stumpy's language.

At the trap door, she cannot hear anything so slowly opening it she is greeted with a pointy arrow, she thinks quickly and speaks in there native tongue, “its only me!”.

The Goblins around the trap and unsure, but the Shaman says pull him up, the evil invaders might be close behind, she had fooled them into thinking she was one of them and had escaped the invading group, and now in amongst there ranks!!

After a few words on the dangers she has had to endure and avoid she edges her way to the fringes of the Goblins, during which time they sent four of there group down the trap door in search of the party after the disguised Moreta convinced them the party was leaving.

Moreta finds a fairly narrow chimney, running slowly down and around, before she can go into it, two more Goblins enter it, under orders from the Shaman to try and catch the invaders between themselves and the other group of four, Moreta watches them go down, and decides to follow them quietly drawing her stiletto dagger and checking the pointy end was still sharp.

The Shaman describes how they knew the group had entered the garbage room, the statue acted as a beacon when covered in fresh blood, strange but true. This Shaman now headed down the trap door, to reset the trap.

Hearing movement, the party, still in that room of junk, attempt to hide, I say attempt, actually fail dismally. Combat ensues, the party surviving, but not without taking damage or quietly.

More Goblins head down, but Na'zel sends them a gift in the form of Flaming Sphere, a spongy ball floating forwards stopping four Goblins getting to us and cooking them rather quickly at the same time, nasty.

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