Sunday 8 April 2012

Scrying on the neighbours

Na'zel uzses his Scry spells to check on old adversaries and potentially future ones.....

Prince Karit. Scry was successful.  You can view Prince Karit and he is in a huge tent giving orders to officers of his army.  The prince is still on the plane of fire and is currently at war with other Ifrit over the artifact.  Once he returned to the other Ifrit and wanted to lead them against their enemies from the Plane of Water, other Ifrit nobles stole the artifact from him and they are all fighting over it now.  Think of throwing one bone amongst a pack of dogs with no pack leader.  There is war now but it is amongst the Ifrit.  One of the problems of being Chaotic; everyone wants to lead, no-one wants to follow!
Icefang.  Scry successful.  Icefang has settled into a cold forest in the far north, west of the Worldwound, in the Realm of the Mammoth Lords and is settled in a cave and collecting tribute from from the surrounding tribes, both because he is getting more powerful and because he drives off the demons from the open rift to the Abyss.
Steelbane (if this is Captain Argon).  Scry successful. Argon is drunk in Quantium.  He has the new arm that you gave him (if you have given it to him yet) but still he hates himself.  He thought he was a hero and he turned out to be a fool, duped by the White Lady, and a weakling, defeated and maimed by Tay Vorn.  He hates both of them and would kill either of them if he could. He is unshaven, dirty, constantly drunk and picking fights, which he is still strong enough to win.  He rants about owing you a debt of honour but hates you too because, without you, he would have died an honourable death.  He does not rave about wanting to kill you though; he save his hate for the dragon and for Tay Vorn.  He often thinks about taking his own life but fears what the gods would do to his soul if he did.  He has gone from being a vain noble to being a violent, self-despising drunk.

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