Wednesday 16 November 2011

4. Cant see the wood for the Red Wine!!

So we finish up in town, buying those essential supplies for a sojourn into the nearby wilderness, heading to the Goblin lair!! *holds Moreta back, well I dont, Gith'Orl does.*

Leaving town we head to the rope bridge, Tay Vorn, ever the tactician, tries to disuade its use, but some of the party dont like water,  (that isnt roleplaying, just real life :-)).

Some of the roleplaying group do like a glass of red wine though, and one player rolls a one acrobatics, or is that sleight of hand, or handle glass!!! as it goes over the table on all over my character sheets. :-P

After a brief mopping up, Tay Vorn crosses expertly, (yes thats my character) and draws his bow keeping an eye on the tree line near the crossing while the others cross. Some of the party decide even the rope bridge isnt strong enough to hold there weight so they "fly" the 30feet on a magic broom, not quick, but hey.

As the party cross we are charged from that tree line, Goblins, savage looking!!  Tay Vorn dispatches one with an arrow and readies his sword, Moreta critically slices the next between the chest as they are quickly upon us and Talom drops bombs of fire onto the remainder, reducing them to easy targets.

We think we are stealthy as we follow a hunters trail beside the thick un-penatribly woods to our left, stream to our right moving to the Foehammer Spire mountains looming high, just a few hours trudge ahead of us.

The ground is soft and we need to make survival rolls, something even the best of us fail, stuck we are attacked from range by some scantily clad ruffians, almost cavemen in appearance throwing rocks.

We deftly avoid any combat and make it eventually out to open ground at the feet of the spires, the loud deep river to our right and waterfall cascading from the mountians.

At first the high up caves seem ominous anddangerous to us, we make to the waterfall and test for a hidden entrance.

Heading along a narrow path Gith'Orl stubbles on a trap, a loosely held up area of ground which gives way into the river, TayVorn eager to impress her swaps places (gm allowed me to when I rolled a 20 for perception, rather nice of him) loosing his dignity, a bow and his shield!! (AC is down to 22)

We make our way more carefully to the waterfall only to be disapointed and head back to the gobbo caves, we are spotted by a human on the opposite bank, of course the one person he sees of our party decides to wave at him!!! (It was Na'zel the ever welcoming wizard).

Swiftly, and surprising easily, we make it to the first cave entrance, sneaking in we come across a dimly lit long open cave, with a troll at the end waving a club at us and growling as if ready to charge us, Tay Vorn is eager to charge himinstead, "but wait" says Na'zel/Talom, something isnt quite right......

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