Thursday 10 November 2011

3. The fort town of Wildgate!!

A little further down the King's road we had just been attacked on, could you sue the King as its his road?! anyway, the sea side town of Wildgate offered its quant simple wares, though it wasnt a place to bring the kids, high fort walls that had seen some recent action, and a tower perched on top of the high seaward cliffs.

After exchanging pleasantries, and discovered possible plot leads, with the guard commander we quickly tested the local hostels, the good, bad and ugly!!

We discovered the local Baron, a young chap, was bed ridden, a family curse making him bed ridden as it had done to others of his line, Wolfrane.

His half sister Lady "White" Aborn was at his side, unable to help him of his illness.

The White lady as the locals called her was being chased by a Capt Argun of the Outriders a pompus group of Lords as we had discovered earlier who defend the lands, though the local milita/guards do the real work.

The illness is suspicious, as our Clerics, Gith 'Orl and Sidion can not see an earthly reason for it.

Tay Vorn appears to waste time searching for a missing scout of the lands and drinking in the low cost areas of the town to find solice in a bottle as Gith refuses to talk to him and shares bath with Moreta of our party, he also find some information on Zamock a dwarf scout, he was looking for something in area, but hasnt been seen for days, after being given this information by an untrustworthy human by the name of Sergio.

Talom, our alchemical master and part-time dog trainer, seeks out his brethren, the vertically challenged Gnomes, he finds one  Colgot a friend to the sly Sergio, this Colgot is an old hand a locksmith by trade, though thievery could also be his profession just as easily I'll wager.
Talom begins a drinking competition with him, gaining his trust over time finds out he is a member of a cult, a dangerous cult of the undead, great more of them!!

Moreta with her sophisicated towny ways sweet talks the White Lady and Capt Argun and some other toff into seeing the Baron and asking lots of questions of the people and towns past, gaining knowledge also from the towers library.

They discover an old book recently thought to contain information regarding the Barons family past and possible clues to the "curse" has mysteriously disappeared.

The game is afoot, can we find the book, but where to search the party asks!?

Tay Vorn wanders in, with a book he has found under the bed of Zamock at his hovel in town, unused for days, and yes its the missing book!!!

The book contained notes or a riddle of sorts:

Three keys, two lords, one crown.

A room with pillars resembling dwarven architecture.

References to a crown of Wolfrane.

A receipt from a jeweler.

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