Tuesday 13 December 2011

9 Fire! de de der de de Fire! Oh and undead.

The chasm, dark and dangerous loomed below us as Talom carried us over one at a time, using his "broom" ability, not an actual broom apparently, just a wings spell he can cast though all to often described as a magical broom as the GM had provided the party with one sometime ago, but goodness knows what happened to that.

The giant spider within the chasm now by-passed, we huddle together in the dark and damp Dwarven settlement, this room is large and once obviously opulent was now home to rubble from collapsed walls, and the body of one dwarf and his large Warhammer, long since dead but his spirit hovered above his remains.  The room had one large iron door at the opposite end.

Talom, able to speak dwarven, was expert in his communication with the spirit, even gaining the Warhammer to slay the inturders, but the spirit decided he would follow Talom to ensure he did not go back on his word to vanquish this dwarven hold of those that slew the Dwarven King and his bretheren.

The dwarf tells us of the Three keys, Two Lords and One Crown, three brothers split over greed of the Kings treasures and realm and he describes us the layout, at least as it was beyond this room and of a Great Pillared hall, the Hall of Heroes, each pillar carved in the form of a famous dwarf and the family symbols adorning those pillars and also of a room occupying a fire elemental, known as the Forge.

Resisting the urge to bang on the iron door, and rousing the giant spider, the party manage to unlock the door with the key the dwarfs body held.

We progress slowly and reach a rotting wooden platform, a mechanical lift, drawn by ropes, we manage to replace the rope and are just able to raise our selves two at a time to the only other level, upwards.

Near to the lift Moreta comes across a small room, an anti-room to a longer corridor, when she almost walks into a group of skeletal warriors, stood unmoving but armour and armed, at there feet long dead humans, obvious victims to these skeletons.

Tay Vorn has a bright idea, remember that, he suggests setting a fire trap in the rooms junction and stepping over it he will taunt and draw in the skeletons with a throw of alchemical fire.

Stepping quietly, stealthly over the trap layed by Moreta, Tay Vorn is "shaken" (rolled a 1) to see the dead on the floor begin to stand, all of these things look at Tay Vorn as he drops his fire bomb at his feet in fright, the sounds of his knees are the only sounds for a few seconds.....BOOM!

About the get hit by these undead warriors Tay Vorn is at the mercy of the undead, Moreta sees him drain of colour just before he is engulf in flame for a round.

Moreta demonstrates how it is done to Tay Vorn yet again, avoiding her own trap and engulfs the undead, removing one skeleton.....

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