Thursday 1 December 2011

8 I didnt fail my stealth, my stealth failed me!!

It was an uneventful journey back to Wildgate with this group of kidnapped villagers saved from the clutches of a Vampire mage, we settle them in at the local militia barracks after a welcome back from the local commander, Tay Vorn stays the night in the same barracks, though not directly with these survivors, but to ensure they don’t try and leave or the vampire freeing and recaptures them.

The night is free from trouble and after getting a new shield from the local smithy TayVorn breakfasts with the group and they agree to move out again, back to the Foehammer spires, that waterfall, but this time the eastern side, to investigate those steps that lead up to the waterfall.

Our weapons, well, some of them now have a coating of silver on them, as we expect a confrontation with the Vampire.

Once over the river, north of the Kings highway we skirt the wood and head north eventually between the river to our left and dense wood to our right, but it isnt long before we spot signs of an impending is Na'zel that spots hooded figures within the edge of the woods, Tay Vorn slips in the woods planning to approach quietly and behind this group but stealth fails him in this noise thick wood.

Moreta dives into the woods as much to escape the rest of party who also make a hash of hiding and sneaking, but they try to turn this to there advantage, and start to create a diversion, by heading forwards into the trap, what we lack in brains we make up for in dumb luck!!

Tay Vorn thinks he was stealthy, but is confronted by two disguised, but obviously well equipped, swordsman, looking suspiciously like Outriders, in a small clearing with a fallen tree.

One swordsman hit Tay Vorn but he returns the attack to both characters, taunting them with words of stylish attacks to come.

Moreta is quickly joined by Gith'Orl, but the ladies, using that term loosely, are cut off by two more of these disguised soldiers, these two are armed with bow and magic, these two attack Moreta, thinking Gith is not worthy of there time.

Talom is now facing those left ahead as the ambush is sprung, he targets one and then two with Elemental Ray and Na'zel transports himself in a “ping” behind another and back-stabs him for quite some damage.

As Gith'Orl is being ignored, which she does not like at the best of times, so as one soldier runs past her, she acrobatically springs down on one hand circling her legs and takes down this character flat on his face but is unable to finish him with her dagger.

Moreta seems to be struggling with her sword and shield, becoming annoyed with her inability to ready for combat takes it out on the overconfident mage, hitting him well.

Tay Vorn leaps up on to the fallen log and taunts the two with him and chooses one for a double attack, they soon decide to leave and flee into the woods, Tay unable to catch them and fails to track them.

The others suffer the same embarrassment, a combat to forget I think, though we know we can not trust the Outriders.

The rest of the path to the foot of the steps leading to the waterfall passes quickly, with no one spotted except a glimpse of a “blurred|” figure at the stone throne now visible at the top of the steps.

Quickly we head up, hoping to catch anyone unaware and not present ourselves as targets from bow for long.

As we approach the throne, over the noise of the waterfall merely feet from the steps, we hear a booming sound as a huge iron door slams shut on the other side of the stone walk way that has lead past the throne behind the waterfall.

Moving closer to this now empty space we see murder holes around the door, but still 15-20 feet from it, we spot a hidden or disguised door way to the side of the path built into the stone wall.

Tay Vorn providing cover at this newly discovered door, while Na'zel sends a golem creature of his through a gap to open the door and quickly allows us in.

This is a dark and seemingly little used area of what must have been a grand place, this entry point a side gate perhaps little used.

Moving into corridors and passage ways hewn from sheer rock, dark as night, to those of us without dark vision and torch lit, we sense danger, head a large cavernous pit, dropping a lit torch down we see many, many spiders larger then normal, but 70+ feet below a giant spider sat, its eyes shining like jet black jewels.

We have to pass this chasm, Talom whips out his large broom, and he sets off as we say quiet and still, for a recce mission to the other side.

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