Friday 4 November 2011

2. The weekly Blonde Comment - "Lets Picnic in the Screaming Jungle!!"

After a weeks hiatus we returned to Pathfinder but six months have passed, we have seperated somewhat but now returned together to adventure again.

We have travelled south, to the realm of Nex, not that far away, I will try to get a map of the area.

The party hasnt changed, Tay Vorn, the heavy drinking Fighter has returned to wearing heavy armour and has spent all his loot in the six months between adventures, his ex-slave "friend" Gith'Orl is still with the party, now friends wit the other female of the group Moreta the half-elf.
Gith is upset with Tay Vorn, he did something, but he doesnt remember what, something whilst drunk.

The other major change to our party is the wizard Naz'el, he has lost an arm and had it replaced by a metalic one, its unclear how functional it is.

Our wanderings down to Nex have brought us near the Foehammer Spires, and long forgotten Dwarven mountain region, now more human and Goblin than Dwarf.

The Young Baron of Wildgate, a frontier town if there ever was one, has been ill for sometime, a curse that has plagued his family before.

His half-sister Lady Aborn tends to him, though she is chased by Captain Argun of the Outriders, a pretty bunch of rich men stroller about the lands "saving" the peasants from themselves and the Goblins.

We encountered two of the peasants, a farmer and son at work in the fields just as they seemed to be under attack from Goblins riding winged beasts, later we discovered them to be Dire Bats.

Despatched with ease and more than a little style, the farmer and boy survived, our Gnome party member, Talom an alchemist/wizard, suffered some damage, but nothing to concern any bard.

We heard from the farmer stories, rumours of caves in the Spires, the mountains in the distance,  occupied by these Gobbo's and something of a treasure, ex-dwarven, but you know how these excitable peasants can be.....

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