Sunday 27 November 2011

7 Is it a Dragon we can hear breathing? No its a still about to blow!!

Now the Goblins have also set off the warning trap, "more approaching!" cries Tay Vorn, sword emerging from sheath as he heads to the door.

He charges with a scream the first of three Goblin, with a fourth further behind, hitting and killing the surprised Goblin immediately, he drop a flask they have each which smashes to the floor, Tay Vorn breathes in deeply the odd odour, but making his fortitude saving throw thinks its just a smell the Goblins let off when scared!!

The other two closest Goblins try to turn in terror, but they are affected by the gas.....out cold!! Tay Vorn readies himself for the fourth, but she reveals herself as Moreta, phew!!

Moreta and Tay Vorn head back up the chimney and sneakily take out three Gobbo's, meanwhile Sidion, Talum and Na'zel go follow the flaming sphere as it cleanses the passage way leading to the trap door and they emerge up the hole and meet up with Moreta and Tay inside a large cave, full of giant bats, now disturbed and flying around from the noises of our battle and the flaming sphere before it dissipate.

The bats are now panicking and attack everyone.

Initially the whole party tried to defend against these winged beasts, but it quickly became apparent
they would not attack us if we hide and they would leave the cave via the large mouth..but Moreta and Tay Vorn decided to compete a little for best attacking style, which Moreta took with ease.

Moving out from the mouth of the cave, a platform of wood across a rope bridge, Sidion is shot at from range a total of eight times, he quickly returns to cover.

Tay Vorn sensing a moment of bravery stupidity picks up a body f one of the goblins, sword sheathed and shield slung he holds the body ahead of him and charges forward to the nearest cover, some thirty feet forwards across the wooden bridges towards the goblin archers.

Tay Vorns charge ends with two gobbo's pushed over the edge of the distant platform the rest now in close combat with this dark brooding fighter, but with bows, unfortunately Tay Vorn cannot draw his sword this turn either!!

The Goblins go next...drawing daggers and swords they attempt to hit Tay Vorn who suffers minimal damage, Sidion not to be outdone runs across himself, weapons drawn though and takes on half the Goblins.

A human figure from another distant platform, cast a spell of magical darkness around the other party members.

Na'zel within the darkness converses with this hooded figure, a magic user of some sort, but certainly undead, who has been controlling these Goblins to do his bidding, but to Na'zels credit he rebukes the figure and manages to cast Command Undead against him, sending him packing, for now.

Gith'Orl and Moreta managed to move up within this darkness along the bridge and out to be able to draw fire and sword on the Goblins rounding on Sidion and Tay Vorn.

Talum retches a “vomit of spiders” into the melee, thousands of the tiny things eager to bite anyone not distinguishing between friend or foe head towards the melee.

Sidion learns the fiery hand ability producing a bright flame and takes one gobbo out with it, just as the spiders attack causing lots of damage on both sides, but certainly aiding the party more than hindering.

We think the spiders have been summoned by the cloaked person, as they cause lots of damage.

The fight ends with Tay Vorn playing with one remaining goblin as the rest flee and our party unable to hit.

We see and hear sounds of a creature, appears to be as still, asleep perhaps in a dark alcove which is producing lots of heat, Tay Vorn notches an arrow but someone else realises its just a copper still and is about to blow up, saving it Tay Vorn rescues some of the potent alcohol.

Beyond the still there is a tunnel leading up and Moreta heads up, but sets off a fire trap taking quite some damage, Tay Vorn now leads, but he too almost suffers, he spots a trap on some metal barred grate that would have sliced down taking anything with them including his arms.

Through the grate, opened by Sidion using Gith'Orl's trusty crowbar, are some barely conscious villages, kidnapped from the surrounding areas, something mentioned to us when we first arrived in this region.

This is the vampires feeding area, they villagers are alive but very weak we heel 6 or 12 of the poor wretches and eventually decide to leave the Vampire for now and escort these people back to Wildgate.

Thursday 24 November 2011

6. Is that a Goblin arrow or are you just pleased to see me?!

The group felt safe now, all obvious Goblins dispatched, and the secrets revealed, the Shadow not attacking us!!

We begin to move on, the only other known entry/exit to this cavern, other than the Shamans curtained off hovel being short bending tunnel north, see map to the right of Goblin caves, marked with three arrows ^.

Cautiously Sidion leads us forwards, Moreta leaving a warning trap of alchemical fire behind us, passed a slight bend in the dark tunnel leading to a horde of rotting merchandise, boxes/barrels/bags or all manner of wares, taken from attacked caravans we surmise and discarded by the Goblins here, the only thing out of place is a small figurine/statue, covered in what appeared to be drying blood.

Tay Vorns empty pockets called to him again, he set off through the huge pile of garbage to look for gold, and rolling high found some barrels with false bottoms and wax lumps of gold coins and some dodgy scales, probably used to trick some unsuspecting merchant, well thats what Tay Vorn planned to use them for.

Sidion again finds a passage to the east, dark and tight he scouts ahead, finds a trap door at the end leading upwards, he listens and can hear Goblin speak, unable to comprehend it he returns quietly to us, sending Moreta off to listen as well, she is in the guise of a Goblin and luckily can speak and understand the stumpy's language.

At the trap door, she cannot hear anything so slowly opening it she is greeted with a pointy arrow, she thinks quickly and speaks in there native tongue, “its only me!”.

The Goblins around the trap and unsure, but the Shaman says pull him up, the evil invaders might be close behind, she had fooled them into thinking she was one of them and had escaped the invading group, and now in amongst there ranks!!

After a few words on the dangers she has had to endure and avoid she edges her way to the fringes of the Goblins, during which time they sent four of there group down the trap door in search of the party after the disguised Moreta convinced them the party was leaving.

Moreta finds a fairly narrow chimney, running slowly down and around, before she can go into it, two more Goblins enter it, under orders from the Shaman to try and catch the invaders between themselves and the other group of four, Moreta watches them go down, and decides to follow them quietly drawing her stiletto dagger and checking the pointy end was still sharp.

The Shaman describes how they knew the group had entered the garbage room, the statue acted as a beacon when covered in fresh blood, strange but true. This Shaman now headed down the trap door, to reset the trap.

Hearing movement, the party, still in that room of junk, attempt to hide, I say attempt, actually fail dismally. Combat ensues, the party surviving, but not without taking damage or quietly.

More Goblins head down, but Na'zel sends them a gift in the form of Flaming Sphere, a spongy ball floating forwards stopping four Goblins getting to us and cooking them rather quickly at the same time, nasty.

Thursday 17 November 2011

5. They have a cave Ogre!!!

Swiftly, and surprising easily, we make it to the first cave entrance, sneaking in we come across a dimly lit long open cave, with an Ogre at the end of the passageway waving a club at us and growling as if ready to charge us, Tay Vorn is eager to charge himinstead, "but wait" says Na'zel/Talum, something isnt quite right......

Through the dim light of the cave they noticed the arms of the Ogre seemed to move in a odd jerking movement and the sounds of the Ogre came not from his mouth but below him somehow.

Tay Vorn ventured forwards, and lucky for him Na'zel realised something was wrong as there was a hidden pit, just waiting for someone to charge at the Ogre!  The very Ogre that was now obviously dead and being controlled by four Goblins, sneaky little %^$^&*.

We all headed forwards, circling the pit and attacking the Goblins which began to flee around a bend and to another chamber, we gave chase and quickly sent them to Goblin paradise.

There was an exit to this room, and a cloth covering of a hole, Tay Vorn seeking treasure moved it aside with his sword, and found a cubby hole with a Gobbo Shaman, before she could throw insults at him, one swing came her way and her head bounced to the floor, we dont take chances with magic users!!

Moreta though, she looks like a goblin and cant speak and understand there language, informed the group her last words referred to some undead person and she thought he had sent us?!

While Tav Vorn ransacked the place, finding a serpent headed javelin and a few gold pieces, Talum and Moreta found a tiny person passage hidden in the shaman cubby, they managed to squeeze through, well Moreta had to disrobed her armour first!

Talum and Moreta found a high and wide cavern, a pit near them seemed to be full of dead Goblins, sacrifices perhaps....further in a vast expanse of water, still as night with a small island in the distance and alone on the island...a sarcophagus and just as they debated whether to move back or venture forward....they see a Shadow! this makes there mind up and head back quickly.

Next we clear the other Goblin caves and find how to Vomit a Swarm!!

Wednesday 16 November 2011

4. Cant see the wood for the Red Wine!!

So we finish up in town, buying those essential supplies for a sojourn into the nearby wilderness, heading to the Goblin lair!! *holds Moreta back, well I dont, Gith'Orl does.*

Leaving town we head to the rope bridge, Tay Vorn, ever the tactician, tries to disuade its use, but some of the party dont like water,  (that isnt roleplaying, just real life :-)).

Some of the roleplaying group do like a glass of red wine though, and one player rolls a one acrobatics, or is that sleight of hand, or handle glass!!! as it goes over the table on all over my character sheets. :-P

After a brief mopping up, Tay Vorn crosses expertly, (yes thats my character) and draws his bow keeping an eye on the tree line near the crossing while the others cross. Some of the party decide even the rope bridge isnt strong enough to hold there weight so they "fly" the 30feet on a magic broom, not quick, but hey.

As the party cross we are charged from that tree line, Goblins, savage looking!!  Tay Vorn dispatches one with an arrow and readies his sword, Moreta critically slices the next between the chest as they are quickly upon us and Talom drops bombs of fire onto the remainder, reducing them to easy targets.

We think we are stealthy as we follow a hunters trail beside the thick un-penatribly woods to our left, stream to our right moving to the Foehammer Spire mountains looming high, just a few hours trudge ahead of us.

The ground is soft and we need to make survival rolls, something even the best of us fail, stuck we are attacked from range by some scantily clad ruffians, almost cavemen in appearance throwing rocks.

We deftly avoid any combat and make it eventually out to open ground at the feet of the spires, the loud deep river to our right and waterfall cascading from the mountians.

At first the high up caves seem ominous anddangerous to us, we make to the waterfall and test for a hidden entrance.

Heading along a narrow path Gith'Orl stubbles on a trap, a loosely held up area of ground which gives way into the river, TayVorn eager to impress her swaps places (gm allowed me to when I rolled a 20 for perception, rather nice of him) loosing his dignity, a bow and his shield!! (AC is down to 22)

We make our way more carefully to the waterfall only to be disapointed and head back to the gobbo caves, we are spotted by a human on the opposite bank, of course the one person he sees of our party decides to wave at him!!! (It was Na'zel the ever welcoming wizard).

Swiftly, and surprising easily, we make it to the first cave entrance, sneaking in we come across a dimly lit long open cave, with a troll at the end waving a club at us and growling as if ready to charge us, Tay Vorn is eager to charge himinstead, "but wait" says Na'zel/Talom, something isnt quite right......

Thursday 10 November 2011

3. The fort town of Wildgate!!

A little further down the King's road we had just been attacked on, could you sue the King as its his road?! anyway, the sea side town of Wildgate offered its quant simple wares, though it wasnt a place to bring the kids, high fort walls that had seen some recent action, and a tower perched on top of the high seaward cliffs.

After exchanging pleasantries, and discovered possible plot leads, with the guard commander we quickly tested the local hostels, the good, bad and ugly!!

We discovered the local Baron, a young chap, was bed ridden, a family curse making him bed ridden as it had done to others of his line, Wolfrane.

His half sister Lady "White" Aborn was at his side, unable to help him of his illness.

The White lady as the locals called her was being chased by a Capt Argun of the Outriders a pompus group of Lords as we had discovered earlier who defend the lands, though the local milita/guards do the real work.

The illness is suspicious, as our Clerics, Gith 'Orl and Sidion can not see an earthly reason for it.

Tay Vorn appears to waste time searching for a missing scout of the lands and drinking in the low cost areas of the town to find solice in a bottle as Gith refuses to talk to him and shares bath with Moreta of our party, he also find some information on Zamock a dwarf scout, he was looking for something in area, but hasnt been seen for days, after being given this information by an untrustworthy human by the name of Sergio.

Talom, our alchemical master and part-time dog trainer, seeks out his brethren, the vertically challenged Gnomes, he finds one  Colgot a friend to the sly Sergio, this Colgot is an old hand a locksmith by trade, though thievery could also be his profession just as easily I'll wager.
Talom begins a drinking competition with him, gaining his trust over time finds out he is a member of a cult, a dangerous cult of the undead, great more of them!!

Moreta with her sophisicated towny ways sweet talks the White Lady and Capt Argun and some other toff into seeing the Baron and asking lots of questions of the people and towns past, gaining knowledge also from the towers library.

They discover an old book recently thought to contain information regarding the Barons family past and possible clues to the "curse" has mysteriously disappeared.

The game is afoot, can we find the book, but where to search the party asks!?

Tay Vorn wanders in, with a book he has found under the bed of Zamock at his hovel in town, unused for days, and yes its the missing book!!!

The book contained notes or a riddle of sorts:

Three keys, two lords, one crown.

A room with pillars resembling dwarven architecture.

References to a crown of Wolfrane.

A receipt from a jeweler.

Friday 4 November 2011

2. The weekly Blonde Comment - "Lets Picnic in the Screaming Jungle!!"

After a weeks hiatus we returned to Pathfinder but six months have passed, we have seperated somewhat but now returned together to adventure again.

We have travelled south, to the realm of Nex, not that far away, I will try to get a map of the area.

The party hasnt changed, Tay Vorn, the heavy drinking Fighter has returned to wearing heavy armour and has spent all his loot in the six months between adventures, his ex-slave "friend" Gith'Orl is still with the party, now friends wit the other female of the group Moreta the half-elf.
Gith is upset with Tay Vorn, he did something, but he doesnt remember what, something whilst drunk.

The other major change to our party is the wizard Naz'el, he has lost an arm and had it replaced by a metalic one, its unclear how functional it is.

Our wanderings down to Nex have brought us near the Foehammer Spires, and long forgotten Dwarven mountain region, now more human and Goblin than Dwarf.

The Young Baron of Wildgate, a frontier town if there ever was one, has been ill for sometime, a curse that has plagued his family before.

His half-sister Lady Aborn tends to him, though she is chased by Captain Argun of the Outriders, a pretty bunch of rich men stroller about the lands "saving" the peasants from themselves and the Goblins.

We encountered two of the peasants, a farmer and son at work in the fields just as they seemed to be under attack from Goblins riding winged beasts, later we discovered them to be Dire Bats.

Despatched with ease and more than a little style, the farmer and boy survived, our Gnome party member, Talom an alchemist/wizard, suffered some damage, but nothing to concern any bard.

We heard from the farmer stories, rumours of caves in the Spires, the mountains in the distance,  occupied by these Gobbo's and something of a treasure, ex-dwarven, but you know how these excitable peasants can be.....